Thursday, April 4, 2019


Feb 12, 2016, 3:48 PM

Let us   bring the attention of ERODE  people towards KALINGARAYAN CANAL,

Our children and grand children will not forgive us if we are going on neglecting the KALINGARAYAN CANAL, a long lasting ,  irrigation engineering marvel  built    7  centuries ago by our thoughtful forefathers.
If we are not taking   right steps atleast  now, we will  slowly and steadily convert it to a dangerous sewage drain just like the TWIN ODAIS (  ERODAI).

 Government  is making  great efforts  by constructing a  small canal along the Kalingarayan Canal  to carry away the sewage and liquid pollutants.  But , we, the very people living in this region should do our duty by caring for the health of this precious source of water.
To begin with,  we should bring the people   on its lovely banks  so that they will understand what is there, what is happening, what we can do  and what we should not do .

 We   can organize mini and full   Marathons, Walkathons, triathlons  ( swimming + cycling+ running )  Nadai Payanams, Pilgrim Yatras  ,  Bi – cycle rallies etc   with help  of    farmers,  NGOs,  water warriors,  pilgrim groups, educational institutions,  health  care establishments ,  willing  commercial enterprises,    trendy bi cycle companies ,  etc,      during   the water flowing seasons.  (To visually enjoy   gently flowing water, places of worship,  and the spectacularly beautiful, soul lifting   green fields).

For obvious  safety  reasons , during the dry seasons,  we can organize scooter / motor cycle  /  4 wheelers  rallies with the patronage  of  above mentioned entities  and  of course  automobile businesses.
Through out the year , we can encourage   people to use the stretch nearer  their homes / factories / offices for morning / evening walks.

Once people start use this path, Public toilets and street lightings will come up slowly  for the benefit of all.

MLA, MP FUNDS will also  follow.

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